Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Wa shahida shahidun min ahliha"

Today the New York Times published an article about a set of documents that were kept secret by the Israeli government. The documents (which include maps and figures) prove that 39% of the land where the Israeli settlements are located in the West Bank are private property originally owned by Palestinians. They also show, among other things, that 40% of the land that Israel intends to keep if any peace agreement is reached is private as well.

The documents were unveiled by "Peace Now, an Israeli group that advocates Palestinian self-determination in the West Bank and Gaza Strip."



Anonymous said...

Salam Kaoutar! Looks like u have 'writing' in ur blood!! I love ur 'articles'! Keep writing, c un plaisir de te lire!!

Anonymous said...

A PIECE for PEACE... would it work? i dont NOOOOOOOOOOO:)

Kaoutar said...

Selma >>> And keep reading what I write :p Thanks dear.
(and don't take long to make that step w.. "tkartoné"... :p)

Offthegrider >>> Well it depends on what kind of PIECE u're talking about! But in all cases u seem very "optimistic"!! :))