I couldn’t put my eyes off him. Sitting in that waiting room a few days ago, I found myself absorbed by his charm. He was so handsome and so self confident. We had never met before, but seeing him there sitting in front of me captured my whole attention.
I don’t know what made me feel that way, but I enjoyed contemplating his features, his composure, the way he moved, the way he talked --- words which I didn’t necessarily hear or comprehend. That pleasure of observing all his moves made me forget for a while that there were other people around in the same room. But I had to pay attention to that, because she was there, and she wanted me to feel her presence. She was looking at me, and her gaze said it all. I was like stepping on her territory.
But observing them both this time, I realised that there was no reason for her to feel threatened! The flow of love that showed in his eyes when she talked to him, the warm smiles he gave her back, and the tenderness that enveloped them both were enough to show that she was his entire world. I couldn’t help thinking how beautiful it is to have such a relationship!!! It just fills some empty spaces within you.
Time passed and I heard my name being called, which meant that I had to leave the room. I stood up and walked to the door, but it was stronger than me. I couldn’t leave just like that! So I stepped back and walked towards him, looked at him for a few seconds, and then bent and kissed his cheek… that lovely four-year-old baby :)
I don’t know what made me feel that way, but I enjoyed contemplating his features, his composure, the way he moved, the way he talked --- words which I didn’t necessarily hear or comprehend. That pleasure of observing all his moves made me forget for a while that there were other people around in the same room. But I had to pay attention to that, because she was there, and she wanted me to feel her presence. She was looking at me, and her gaze said it all. I was like stepping on her territory.

Time passed and I heard my name being called, which meant that I had to leave the room. I stood up and walked to the door, but it was stronger than me. I couldn’t leave just like that! So I stepped back and walked towards him, looked at him for a few seconds, and then bent and kissed his cheek… that lovely four-year-old baby :)
allah ymskhak! lol! you mislead me all the way through! ;-)
nariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! je commencais a me dire kon ne devait plus se voir parce ke khsserti!! et qu'on allait m'attribuer ce (mérite)!! heureusement ke jé temrminé le texte!! it actually feels the same way when it's a grown man... lol!
Je n'ai qu'un chose a dire : je ne sais pas exactement quel était le but de ce texte mais c'est réussi!! lol bien joué! ;)
Red >>> Welcome back to track my dear!! lol
Selma >>> Allaho akbar!! ça peut mener à ce qu'on ne se voit plus ga3!! Iwa hya ndir bnaqes men my next post (about a grown up man this time) :p KIDDIIIING!!! lol
Lotfi >>> Moi non plus lol Lmohim I'm glad you liked it w safi:):)
bon kaoutar félicitation pour ce blog bien réussi :) g pas bien compris le sens du texte mais c bien !! lol
A sidi mer7ba b notre futur grand rappeur ;) Tu trouveras surement des postes en français de temps à autre, ghir khellik m3ana :)
wa naaaarrrriiiiii 3la ta3niza !!j'allais finir par croire que t'avais un coeur! dak li 3andna hna w kharaj alina !!!
Anaconda >>> Les coeurs fihoum w fihoum. Mais le plus sûr est celui qui n'a un faible que pour les moins de 10 ans ;)
Je suis désolée, je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi Kaoutar, je dirai que les coeurs les plus vivants (et qui souffrent le plus et le plus souvent), sont ceux qui battent aussi facilement pour un bébé de 30 mois que pour un bébé de 30 ans, dakhmou al jouthati, 3rida al mankibayni... wlkhbar frasskoum!lol!
I miss u anaconda!!!
Selma >>> I had said just the same thing Selma :) Un coeur vivant et sensible (aux "enfants de 7 à 77 ans") est justement celui qui souffre le plus souvent:) Donc, pour plus de sécurité, veuillez désactiver toutes les options de vos coeurs, excepté celles sensibles aux moins de 10 ans (mesure non obligatoire) :D
Sara7a...ana 3emri madert chi comment depuis le premier article...walakin là...c plus fort que moi !!! wakwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak sdemtini 9AWLEBTINI... bezzaf...tan7ess brassi mzerfa :) so g décidé d'écrire ces qlq lignes juste après sa lecture..
Proud of u :)
Widad >>> :D Thank you my dear! And thanks for being such a regular reader of the blog (I know u're there, although u don't leave comments ;))
SimplyMoroccan >>> Well that was the aim in fact :P (very mean I know:P)
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