Yeah, it’s time for you to change, M… but it isn’t the end of the world after all. You’re not going to die. You just have to face one of those days on which we wake up with those silly yet decisive resolutions… changing the ring tone of our mobile phone, the colours of its display screen, our look …. and … [yes I will admit] it’s one of those days on which, if it were possible, we would change our name, our job, our house, our neighbours, the road we take home, the sidewalks, the shopkeepers, the buildings that remind us of someone or sometime we no longer want to remember…
Stupidity exists in life M, and we can’t help it. Things don’t necessarily go the way we want and people don’t necessarily see things as valuable – or as possible – as they might seem to us. Sadness also exists. And seems like a river of which we all have to drink.
But M, listen to me. You need to be strong. You’re not dying. It’s just that life can be cruel sometimes. And that this time… [yes, I will admit again] life has betrayed you again, and you suddenly woke up from your beautiful dream to find yourself face to face with that harsh reality; you found yourself forced to read the last page of a book which you thought was much longer!
Well, I have to admit it now: As simple as it may seem, all my heart is with you M, because today time has simply come for you to change... your perfume.
I wish you good luck… and loads of courage.
This is deep, strong, painful, sad, and true. A loving thought and deep prayer for every hurt and heartbroken M (but also A B C D E F G H I J K L N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z) in the world..
1. Well, malin les parfumeries must thank you Kaoutar and M :)
2. Comme dirait un vieux proverbe plein de sagesse et de philosophie: tout passe tout lasse, sauf nestlé glaces...
3. Laissez tomber les livres, 3tallah les CD..
Décidemment ces "M" riment avec Malédiction, Malheur, Mal de vivre, Marre de tout, Mélancolie, Mirages, Mille feuilles ;-) ...changer de parfum ne servirait pas à grand-chose dans ces cas là.. On ferait mieux de changer carrément de prénom. Je compatis avec toi "M" même si on ne se connaît probablement pas :-)
PS: Kouka, you're not an awkward consoler! Tu devrais même faire carrière dans ce domaine... un truc du genre "consolatrice assermentée" ga3
Selma >>> So kind of you to think of all those people (A, B, C...) :)
Le proverbe peut devenir parfois: Tout passe tout lasse, MEME nestlé glasses :)
Mery >>> "M" rime aussi avec Mmmmaaaaaaaaaalek ghberti 3lina!!!
Tu me donnes des idées de carrière toi :P
Bizouyates :)
Still no new posts!!!!!!
What a shame!!!!!!!
completement d'accord Mr S!! i3mililik himma ya Kaoutar! :)
Mr "S" and Selma >>> Back to coalitions again?? :D A new post had to be online two days ago, but my computer home doesn't open the blog's backoffice (na3tadir 3an hada l khata' attiqni al kharij 3an iradatina:p)! I'll try to sort it out or use my PC in office... during my lunch break! ;P
iwa ferhina Allah iferhhek!!
M? it reminds of Morad? eh Morad...Mery M rime aussi Avec Morad Mossayba Morad Mmmmmmmrrriiiiid !! et vous savez koi? je vais créer des chagrins d'amour pour être consolée par Kouka tatched ta9a3oud !
Ana >>> Mmmmmmmmorad meskine is away now! After MmmmmmmT stopped. Mmmmmmmmmosiba hadi :)
Ah by the way! You'd better find a better consoler! I'm an awkward one!! Sometimes I just can't help saying the TRUTH and this is mmmmmmmh not always good!
Hi, just seen ur last commment. I think, just like Mery and Ana, that u'd have a good carrière of consolatrice assermentée, u tell the truth, crument ou en l'enrobant de douceur; but it's what we mostly need to hear when we're drowning in pain and tears. It does HURT. But it's far better than being sad and hurt for a long time and for the wrong reasons.
Saba >>> I wouldn't say that u're wrong: I do wish sometimes that someone would come AT THE RIGHT TIME and show me reality EN FACE / call things by their names before it's too late.
But it's never easy to be the one who does the job :)
A lalla safi, daba I'll start a business "Kaoutar Consoling and Co" :P
hadik 'Co' nkder ndkhel fiha hta ana (une fois ke je serai moi meme consolée?) :) lol
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