" كصمت الياسمين"
This is the title my Palestinian friend Talaat Harb gave to his first poem collection. The birth of the collection coincided with a beautiful date: March 21, the first day of Spring, and just a few days before the Mothers’ Day and the Children’s Day.
Talaat’s poems slowly saw the day light during his journeys between the beautiful coasts of Essaouira in Morocco and Sour in Lebabnon.
The collection, of which I had the privilege of reading some poems, explores many themes including identity and love with different dimensions: love for the woman, for the mother, and for the home land.
Congratulations Talaat! We’ll be waiting for the book in Morocco… and certainly in other places of the world ;)
Read bellow some verses of one of Talaat Harb’s poems:
دون تعقيداتِ السفر
أو رموز الكتابةِ اليومية
دون أن تلتفتي
يمينا أو شمالاً
كلما أمسكتُ بيديك
دون أن تذكّريني
بيوم لقائنا
دون أن تحفري الأسماء
...على أشجار السنديان
أحبّيني ليومٍ واحدٍ
و بعدها انتحري
فلستُ أنا بفارسٍ للرومانسية
أو عازفاً لأسطوانةٍ شرقية
إنما أنا عاشقٌ
...يبحث عن هُوّية